Water Hand Pumps

Provide clean drinkable water to the poorest in
Sri Lanka, West Bengal and Bangladesh.

Bangladesh and West Bengal are one of the poorest areas in South Asia, the majority of the population live below the poverty Line. In our surveyed areas we quickly realized the is a big shortage of clean & safe drinking water. We found that people take water from nearby ponds for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing and other day to day activities.

During the Monsoon season water collects in these small ponds, this water is extremely unsafe and dirty and is the cause of many illnesses.

Water level varies in districts and the poor villagers who are already struggling for daily meals cannot afford to have a hand pump at their home or village, due to which children and elderly in the community get infected by using contaminated water.

With your help we would like to provide the people of West Bengal and Bangladesh with clean & safe drinking water by installing Hand Pumps at villages and homes.

We will be documenting basic household information from each respective catchment area. We will also carry out regular monthly monitoring of facilities created and use of project resources.

We will deploy qualitative and quantitative methods of carrying out monitoring and evaluation on a regular basis through site-visits, feedback from service-users. We will also obtain supporting photos and video documentation and forward these to sponsors.

Donate a Water Pump (Choose you hand pump below)

Click here to see our Water Wells (Build Water Wells)


Donors Testimonials